Last winter, when we wrote and recorded the soundtrack to ‘The General’, we decided to release the complete and unedited version. We thought that people might like to sync the film and soundtrack at home. The plan was to release the full thing and write a piece to be included on the CD and record artwork on how to sync the film and music together. Then… DISASTER. The version of the film we had written to was no longer available to buy.

As it turns out the live score was written for the 4k remastered version of the film released by Cohen Media which is a slightly different length to the original film. This is due to the restoration process which involves adding new frames to make the action smoother. (sorry people who actually know about these things, this is my bastardised explanation). The film is beautiful and crystal clear but the music will only match up if you own this version.

We only found this out when we were writing instructions for the artwork on how to sync up the music with the film. Everything was drifting out and the music continued to play for ten minutes after the film had finished. Some further investigation revealed that the version of the film we wrote the music for is only available as part of a Bluray boxset. Further investigation revealed that this boxset was now unavailable. In fact, there was one second-hand copy going on Ebay for £100 which was promptly snaffled up.

The great news is… these films are now available to buy again! The only place I can see them for sale, sadly, is Amaz*n. Now, we all know they don’t pay their taxes, treat their employees badly, and are watching you whilst you sleep so if you can find these anywhere else please buy them there. Otherwise here is the link to purchase.

To sync up the music to the film:

The first beat begins as soon as you see the old cinema tape on the 'Cohen Media Group' credit. As soon as you see that credit immediately hit play. See below a really terrible video of when to strike. Sorry for the quality. I did a quick video on my phone in portrait like an amateur.

I hope that answers a few questions.

There are two opportunities to see the soundtrack performed live. 2nd April in Bristol and 3rd April in Salisbury. Details and tickets here:

Link to buy our soundtrack to ‘The General’ on LP or CD here:

Thanks for being great.
